Andrew GM'ing a Starfinder Game

Andrew GM’ing a Starfinder game

About GM Andrew

“I’ve been an avid reader and gamer my whole life. Fantasy and especially sci-fi are my favorite genres, but above all, I love a good story. When I started playing TTRPG’s over 10 years ago, I found a new hobby that really scratched that itch. TTRPG’s allow for a deep, rich, immersive, and collaborative story-telling experience.

Since then I’ve been GM’ing and playing in various games and systems and I just can’t get enough.

For the moment, all my games are online only, utilizing a virtual tabletop system. I love crafting media rich universes, with imagery, audio, and other interactive elements for my games so I can tell a clear, compelling story, built in combination with my players. My players also work with me to create their own characters with engrossing backstories that impact the cosmos around them.

Formerly a professional programmer, now full time GM, in my free time when I’m not hanging out with my family, I’m toiling away on any games I’m currently running. There’s always some new feature or content I can create to make a campaign just a little more captivating.”

- GM Andrew Regis